The muse

The Best 10 movies of all times

This is a list pleases critics and elightened moviegoers as well. You certainly have to watch this movies for dying. Personally, I have included on this list Le Voyage dans la lune because by its own right, it certainly is the first fiction movie, a perfect and round product, regardless is short duration this movie deserves to remembered because its historic importance and content.

The Best 10 movies of all times
Title Original Title Date Director Country
Citizen Kane Citizen Kane 1941 Orson Welles U. S. A.
The Gold Rush The Gold Rush 1925 Charles Chaplin U. S. A.
Battleship Potemkin Bronenosets Potyomkin 1925 Sergei Eisenstein Soviet Union
Nosferatu the Vampire Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens 1922 F. W. Murnau Germany
Metropolis Metropolis 1926 Fritz Lang Germany
Bicycle Thieves Ladri di Biciclette 1948 Vittorio de Sica Italy
The General The General 1927 Buster Keaton U. S. A.
Intolerance Intolerance 1916 D. W. Griffith U. S. A.
A Trip to the Moon Le Voyage dans la lune 1902 Georges Méliès France
Casablanca Casablanca 1942 Michael Curtiz U. S. A.

This selection of movies was done by my former students during an Oracle Database administration course in 6.08.1998.

The 10 best movies list according to my former students
Title Original Title Date Director Country
Taxi Driver Taxi Driver 1976 Martin Scorsese U. S. A.
The Godfather The Godfather 1972 Francis Coppola U. S. A.
2001: A Space Odyssey 2001: A Space Odyssey 1968 Stanley Kubrick U. S. A.
A Clockwork Orange A Clockwork Orange 1971 Stanley Kubrick England
The State of the things Der Stand der Dinge 1982 Wim Wenders Portugal/EUA/Germany
Three Colors: Blue Trois couleurs: Bleu 1993 Krzysztof Kieslowski Poland/France
The French Connection The French Connection 1971 William Friedkin U. S. A.
Blade Runner Blade Runner 1982 Ridley Scott U. S. A.
Cinema Paradiso Nuovo cinema Paradiso 1988 Giuseppe Tornatore Italy/France
Hiroshima, My Love Hiroshima mon amour 1959 Alain Resnais France/Japan